The Art and Science of Face Reading
This is for you if you’re…
A Human navigating the complexities of life, seeking deep alignment with your soul and a way to finally feel at home in yourself.
A Conscious Leader who is done with surface-level guidance—you want to lead with clarity, integrity, and unshakable authenticity.
A Practitioner who sees beyond the intake form, ready to support your clients in a way that goes deeper than symptoms and scripts.
In Sales or Business, longing to communicate in a way that resonates on a soul level, building trust and connection effortlessly.
A Parent, especially to a non-verbal or neurodivergent child, seeking to attune to their needs and strengthen the bond between you.
Someone Ready to Validate Your Lived Experience—no more self-doubt, no more gaslighting yourself. It’s time to trust yourself.
Vetting Relationships—romantic, professional, platonic—seeking the tools to discern alignment, integrity, and truth with ease.
Learn at your own pace and revisit as often as needed. UPGRADE to a live training to become a professional face reader, and your initial investment into this course is applied towards that!
Uncover True Love
The benefits of self-love cannot be taken for granted, it is the deepest spiritual connection to your inner child. When you understand and take care of your own self, you are able to take better care of others
What is the true meaning of self-love?
Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows that support our physical, spiritual, emotional and mental health.
Self-love works in a powerful way, the more you give yourself, the positive changes you begin to see in all areas of your life. Self-love means honoring everything you bring to the present moment. Past failures and flaws are gifts of experience that allow you to expand as a human being. Challenging times are openings to great understanding.
Truly loving yourself is holding yourself in a high regard.
Self-love means showing up for yourself like you would a best friend. Granting yourself grace when needed. Cultivating your emotional and mental well-being. Honoring your past experiences as a badge of growth.
Personal Benefits of Face Reading
-Love who you see in the mirror
-Understand personality and characteristic traits in facial features
-Reflect on your Inner Child and what has hurt her/him
-Expand your consciousness of yourself and others
-Track patterns, get to root causes of dis-ease
-Explore your spiritual gifts
-Move through old patterns that are holding your back
-Differences in your left/right side of your face
-See a deeper beauty in your partner, family, friends or children
-Your inner World creates your outer World
-Make more informed choices about who you date, interview, hire, and collaborate with
-Be a better guide to your children and clients because you see and hear their soul
What is Your Face Saying About You
Learn to read what your Soul is communicating energetically through the chakra systems of the face and body. Your face and its overall structure and shape reflect all your thoughts and desires. Your bone structure is the blueprint of your soul's purpose. How that bone structure fills out reflects the expression and suppression of your innermost feelings.
The Art of Reading Faces provides us with a good opportunity to make our life more interesting and exciting. Face reading is the most natural thing we do. We unconsciously feel an attraction or a caution when confronted by someone new. Why not learn to recognise humans consciously? We can then be more precise and get the best out of every situation.
Teaching You the Facts Written Psychological Tests Cannot.
8 pre-recorded modules to teach you how to assess the energetic make-up and potential of a human accurately be learning how to read:
The chakras and body parts attached to each feature
Face and forehead zones and what those mean
Wrinkles and lines
Masculine/Feminine sides
Face features and shapes
Hairline and growth
A fully illustrated manual with descriptions of what you’re learning that you get to keep!
***BONUS** Face split time lapse analysis example to show how you are able to track your own progress
See what my students experienced
"I have taken every personality test, enneagram quiz, found my homeopathic constitution, dabbled in astrology and numerology for ways to help explain "why I am the way I am" and it always felt like it was only scratching the surface and nothing ever quite fit how I navigate the world.
I attended a Q&A session with Kelly and knew I needed to know more about the world of body language.
Within the first 20 minutes, I was shaken to my core as I felt seen for the first time, and all that was done was mirror back to me what my body was communicating.
As a chronic workaholic, and compulsive nurturer to everyone around me for the first time in my life, I saw these patterns through MY lens. Not looking outside of myself, and that was both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.
The evening following the Face Reading Training I purged so much that my body has been holding onto for decades.
This is only the tip of the iceberg for me and I am so thankful for this new language to check in with myself, and stop outsourcing what I actually NEED."
"When I attended the face reading training with Kelly month ago, I was impacted by my body’s language telling me me heart has been in a box for many years, longing to come out and shine brightly. I already had some awareness of my heart being closed up tightly in self protection, but had previously thought of it in somewhat metaphorical terms.
Seeing my body clearly expressing my shielded heart impacted me deeply and brought me to a realization that this was in fact not only figurative but an actual physical situation. I set an intention on the spot to begin opening my heart in every way possible moving forward.
Later that week, I had my monthly reiki treatment. Previously I had always lay face down, unwittingly feeling safer — heart hidden. When I went to lie down, I clearly felt the call to lie face up, the posture of an open heart!
At the end of my session, my reiki lady told me immediately that this season was different than all the previous sessions she had done on me. She had heard and received exact messages, clear wording, phrases and statements - messages being sent and received through my open heart! My heart was speaking to me!
Previously she had received only generalized and vague sensations present in my energy. This time, there were multiple vivid messages that were extremely deep and fiercely accurate. All emanating from my open heart.
I felt so impacted how this all came about for me through the face reading training. The information shared was so clear, detailed, helpful and truly accurate in teaching me to decode the rhythms of energy in my own life, as well as equipping me to see others more deeply and clearly as well, in a glance. So grateful to have attended and learned!"
An Essential Diagnostic Tool in Many Areas of Life
~ Wholistic Practitioners ~ Fitness ~ Coaches ~ Therapists ~ Counsellors ~ Teachers ~ Nurses ~ Parents
Human Resource Professionals ~ Salespeople ~ Public Relations Personnel ~ Consultants
Learn to see your family, friends and colleagues’ Personality Potential and enhance:
• track shadows and patterns • see trauma clearly • lead workshops & seminars •sales performance
• parent better • negotiating skills • interviewing • presence • improve relationships
• selecting personal partners• understanding audience reaction • team building
• management skills • business relationships • job interviews • staff interaction
Learn at your own pace and revisit as often as needed. UPGRADE to a live training to become a professional face reader, and your initial investment into this course is applied towards that!
More of what my students experienced
“I have so much appreciation for the depth of Kelly's work. I have taken two of Kelly's online courses and I've found the value of this wisdom immeasurable.
As a result of her work, Kelly is a powerful and aligned woman. Her candor is welcoming and inspiring and Kelly is committed to bringing this language to the world!
Body language is truly the missing piece when it comes to connecting mind, body, spirit. I look forward to working with Kelly through future courses in order to further integrate some deep healing!”
“I loved the Face Reading Class with Kelly Love!! It was very intuitive, with her teachings sticking with me so much that I am using them on the daily. I learned to look at myself and each person I interact with a little more closely, with compassion and open heartedness.
Face reading forces a necessary vulnerability. We are all on the path called life and it has affected us each differently and it shows! This is worth looking at. I learned that our face is a mirror for our whole self and a guide book on how to really look at yourself, inside and out.
Kelly is a gem of love, light and realness that you won’t find in average circles. She doesn’t tell us what we want to hear, she instead tells us what we need to hear. This exhibits great bravery that is contagious in this fragile cancel culture society that desperately needs us to stand up for what is good and is wholeness.
She teaches us to be our own foundation and take responsibility for our lives and offers so much love and compassion and it's contagious. Her class left me feeling powerful and capable to utilize the easy to learn and understand concepts of face reading.
I am definitely interested in taking her other courses as soon as possible. If you're not ready to be empowered, then walk away, If you're not ready to be embraced wholly, then walk away. If you're not ready to be completely loved, then walk away. This is the real deal!”
Your Trainer
Kelly Love
teacher and Trainer of
Psychosomatic therapy